12 VC funds in Germany that invest in biotech

A list of active venture capital firms curated in July 2024.

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This is a curated list of twelve venture capital funds investing in Biotech industry and Life Sciences in Germany, including early-stage venture capital firms and later-stage ones. The list includes their investment philosophy, their points of interest, what to include in a pitch deck, contact info, links to submit a pitch deck for some of them, and some managers or investors to connect on LinkedIn with. With many well-known funds being in San Francisco, I think it's good to offer a resource for founders to branch out and navigate German venture capital market.

Wellington Partners

This venture capital focuses on early-stage investments and growth-stage life sciences companies. They are interested in Therapeutics,Medical Devices, Diagnostics, Digital Health, and Industrial Biotechnology.They have a track record of supporting innovative companies that are on the verge of or in clinical trials.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Innovative technology outline
  • Solid proof of concept
  • Potential for significant impact in the life sciences field
  • Experienced management team
  • Any strong intellectual property protection you have



+49 (0) 89 21 99 41 0

Türkenstraße 5

80333 Munich





Dr. Varun Gupta

Dr. Johannes Fischer


Forbion's investment philosophy focuses on supporting innovative life sciences companies that develop transformative therapies aimed at improving patient health and well-being. They aim to build successful biotech companies by providing strategic insights and access to resources, such as network support and guidance through various stages of growth. They invest in Biotech sector, Pharma, Life Sciences, Drug Discovery.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Novel solution or significant improvements over existing options
  • Clear market need and potential, including target patient population and market size
  • Robust data supporting the efficacy and safety of your product, including any preclinical or clinical trial results
  • Experience and expertise of your leadership team,particularly in bringing similar products to market
  • Alignment with their focus on transforming patient care andimproving health outcomes
  • Clear and realistic financial projections and a well-definedbusiness model
  • Positively impact on patient health
  • Alignment with commitment to responsible investment



+49 89 41 6161 95-0

Gärtnerplatz 6

80469 München




Partners and Associates:

Tim Lohoff

Holger Reithinger

Dmitrij Hristodorov


OCCIDENT invests in deep-tech startups, focusing on spin-offs from scientific research, aiming to create a significant impact and provide concrete solutions for various societal challenges. They support startups at different stages of development, from the seed to series, with an entrepreneurial mindset, using their own funds and emphasizing sustainable success potential. Among their portfolio companies are companies in LifeSciences, MedTech, Advanced Materials, and IT.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Strong scientific foundations and innovative technology
  • Potential societal impact
  • Sustainability of your solution
  • Clear path to commercialization and market readiness
  • Strong, passionate, and capable founding team
  • Outline of funding needs
  • Alignment with OCCIDENT's investment stages



+49 89 21539980

Klenzestraße 22

80469 München


Submit the pitch:





Paul Sunzenauer

Simon Schildvon Spannenberg - Industrial Tech

Cédric Barra

Amino Collective

Amino Collective embraces bold and unconventional ideas, targeting founders who exhibit a free and radical spirit. Their investment decisions favor high-risk ventures with the potential for high reward. They invest in health and bio: Biopharmaceutical companies, Healthcare IT, Healthcare Services, Life Science tools, Medical Devices & Instruments, Biotech Industry, Digital Health, Synthetic Biology.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Innovation and differentiator
  • Radical and bold vision for the future
  • Potential for high impact and transformation
  • Resilience and courage in venturing into the unknown
  • Alignment between your values and their philosophy



Rosenthaler Strasse 72a

1019 Berlin




Managing director:

Manuel Grossmann

TVM Capital

The venture capital firm invests in early-stage startups and therapeutics in late-stage development, Medtech, Diagnostics, and Digital Health.They focus on breakthrough therapies and medical products that improve patient care and healthcare systems. They provide both capital and expertise to develop and market these products.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Potential to transform medical practice
  • Clear path to market and patient impact
  • Alignment with healthcare sector improvements
  • Strong data and validation for your technology
  • Robust business model and market opportunity
  • Expertise and experience of your team



+49 (89) 998 992-00

Ottostraße 4

80333 Munich


Pitch deck upload:




Managing partners and Associates:

Dr. Hubert Birner

Dr. Sascha Berger

Amy Kao, PhD

MIG Capital

MIG Capital have made some remarkable investments in companies within the Deep Tech and Life Sciences sectors in German market and beyond. BioNtech is among their notable portfolio companies. They aim to support companies that set new standards and create substantial value, particularly those with strong entrepreneurial teams and groundbreaking products.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Innovative and breakthrough technology
  • Potential for growth and market expansion
  • Strong and experienced team
  • Clear product-market fit
  • Realistic and compelling financial forecast


+49 89 94382680

Ismaninger Straße 102

D-81675 Munich




Andreas Kastenbauer - Medical tech & biopharma therapeutics

Dr. Fei Tian - Digital health, medical tech & biopharma therapeutics

Frederick Michna - Digitalization, Energy & Environment

Dr. Søren Hein - Advanced computing, digitalization, new materials

Dr. Oliver Kahl -Digitalization & advanced computing


This venture firm focuses on impactful investments in software and science. They believe in empowering game changers by co-creating a better tomorrow, offering strategic and hands-on support. They invest in projects in Technology & Infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence,Synthetic Biology, New Materials, Health, Energy, Food. Although they have an office in Berlin, Germany, they are headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Vision how your idea disrupts the current market
  • Potential positive impact on society, technology, or theenvironment
  • Strengths and expertise of your founding team
  • Scalability
  • Alignment with Redalpine's investment focus and philosophy
  • Evidence of market traction, user engagement, or initial revenues
  • Openness to collaboration and how Redalpine's support could accelerate your growth


+41 44 271 15 30


Brunnenstrasse 34

10115 Berlin




Investment managers and Associates:

Mira Kamp - SaaS and Deeptech

Philip Kneis - Techbio

Dr. Marc Moesser - Biochemistry

High-Tech Gründerfonds

High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) focuses on supporting high-tech startups with innovative technologies and business models and have several offices in Germany. Aside from growth capital, they emphasize partnerships and collaboration. They provide support to the early-stage companies and leverage their extensive network to guide startups from seed to exit. They invest in German startups in Industrial Technology, Digital Tech Life Sciences, and Chemistry.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Innovative technology and business model
  • Clear and substantial market opportunity
  • Strengths and expertise of your founding team
  • Scalability
  • Alignment with HTGF’s focus industries and criteria


+49 30 403 66 48 00

Münzstraße 15

10178 Berlin



Werk 1.4, Am Kartoffelgarten 14

81671 München



+49 228 823 00 – 100

Schlegelstraße 2

53113 Bonn


Life Science and Chemistry

Leonard Trappe



Industrial Tech

Hannah Kamm


Upload pitch deck:





Hannah Kamm - Industrial Tech

Leonard Trappe - Life Sciences and Chemistry

EMBL Ventures

EMBL Ventures focuses on investing in life science companies, aiming to create significant commercial opportunities based on innovative therapeutic treatments, next-generation technology platforms, and advancements in diagnostics and medical devices. Aside from investment activity, they provide hands-on support and access to their network.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Innovative and commercially viable life science technology
  • Strong scientific foundation and potential for significant impact
  • Clear pathway to market, including regulatory and clinical strategies
  • Alignment with EMBL's investment focus and
  • Benefit to EMBL’s network
  • Experienced management team
  • Well-defined business model and revenue potential
  • Potential collaboration opportunities and scalability


Boxbergring 107

69126 Heidelberg





Caroline Lehmann


b.value AG invests in DeepTech, Biotech startups (precision fermentation, sustainable chemicals, food), Life Sciences, AdvancedMaterials. They seek projects with exceptional founding teams and disruptive technologies that address sustainable solutions for future markets, offering both financial and strategic support to bridge the gap from research to global markets.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Exceptional and visionary founding team
  • Disruptive and protected technology
  • Scalable and sustainable business model
  • Potential for significant market impact and growth
  • Evidence of market need and readiness



+49 (0) 231/79300196

Otto-Hahn-Straße 15

D-44227 Dortmund





Dr. Cornelia Bähr

Dr. Marie Kappen

Dr. Isabelle Schiffer

Creathor Ventures

Creathor Ventures invests in early-stage technology and healthcare industry. Their portfolio includes a wide range of companies: Digital Health, Life Sciences industry, Software & Technology, Consumer & Business Services, and Industrial Technologies. Their investment approach prioritizes companies that have the potential to disrupt their respective markets through technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Market potential and scalability
  • Strong management team with experience
  • Traction and achieved progress
  • Clear business model and monetization strategy



+49 6172 139 72 0

Ferdinandstr. 11

61348 Bad Homburg




Managing partner:

Karlheinz Schmelig

Possible Ventures

This German venture capital firm focuses on harnessing frontier technologies to address the world's most pressing challenges, including climate change, sustainable energy, improved health, and societal equity. They are optimistic about leveraging technological developments to create a positive impact for future generations. Among their portfolio companies are Climate tech, Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Health tech, Society (including food & agriculture, new materials), Deep tech companies, Life sciences, Software platforms. They are primarily focused on the earliest stages,  acting as pre - seed and seed investors.


Include in the pitch deck:

  • Pressing challenge your startup addresses
  • Frontier technology involved
  • Potential for significant societal impact
  • Strong and interdisciplinary team
  • Present early-stage traction and growth potential
  • Alignment with their mission


c/o A.L.B. Leitl GmbH

Baierbrunner Straße 25

81379 München


Investmenr inquiry:





Dr. Christoph Baumeister

Marie Tai


And this is where I will wrap up this list biotech venture capital firms and overview of a venture capital landscape. It isn't easy for biotechnology companies and biotech investors are always cautious, but there are many options for biotech startups to raise funding: grants, corporate venture capital, private equity, institutional investors, business partnerships and collaborations.


If you've made it this far, you're probably serious about taking your startup to the next level. As a Growth Designer, I've seen firsthand how optimizing your content and making a great first impression can make or break a young company. Whether you’re polishing your messaging, developing the website, or simply needing to communicate your science in a compelling way, I’d be happy to share some insights. You can email me here to book a call.

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